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Insect Management for Food Storage and Processing, 2nd Ed
Insect Management for Food Storage and Processing, 2nd Ed

“…of special value are examples of measurements and interpretation of presence of pests…strongly recommend this book to all persons concerned with raw and processed plant grains and to agricultural and food industry libraries.”
—Journal of Plant Protection Research

Item No. 27462

Insect Management for Food Storage and Processing, Second Edition is completely revised and updated with new chapters on topics including inspection techniques; retail pest management; environmental manipulation (e.g., hot, cold, modified atmospheres, ionization) to control insects; and the latest scientific research on integrated pest management (IPM) control techniques. Common and unusual exterior/interior pest insects are covered and examples of both chemical and non-chemical pest insect control strategies are thoroughly discussed. The book provides the practical and science-based strategies to solve pest insect problems in an effective and economical manner.

Chapter authors are recognized around the world as experts in their respective fields. Scientific language is put in simple terms so those working in a food plant or warehouse environment can easily take information from the chapters and apply it for effective pest insect control strategies. Control methods explained have survived the test of time. This edition addresses the pesticide and food safety regulatory environment food processing personnel must work in every day.

Chapter information presented is original research that contains basic reference material, literature reviews, and actual pest insect case histories that authors have experienced with control methods that work. The book is written so its readers can pick it up and use it as a ready reference across any food manufacturing or production environment. It’s a must read for commercial and structural pest control operators, technicians, or directors; food plant inspectors, auditors, and plant sanitarians; as well as QA managers, food safety consultants, and university extension personnel.

Insect Management for Food Storage and Processing, Second Edition

Chapter 1

Introduction to the Second Edition

Jerry W. Heaps

Pest Identification
Holistic Pest Management

Good Manufacturing Practices



Chapter 2

Integrated Pest Management Strategies for the Food Industry

Daryl L Faustini

Raw-Material Supplier
Food-Processing Facility

Insect-Monitoring Devices
Processing Equipment as a Control Strategy
Packaging Design Strategy
Sanitation Strategies
Product Distribution and Transport

Potential Insect-Control Strategies Under Development for the Food Industry

Chapter 3

Role of the Pest Management Professional in Food-Processing Pest Management

Jay Bruesch and Linda Mason

Then and Now

Contract (Outside Vendor) Pest Management: Advantages
Contract Pest Management: Disadvantages
In-House Pest Management Programs: Advantages
In-House Pest Management Programs: Disadvantages
Are Shared Programs an Option?

Role of the Pest Management Professional

Pest Management: A Partnership
What PMPs Must Do


Chapter 4

Inspection Techniques

Alfred J. St. Cyr

Where to Begin
Exterior Grounds
Roof Areas
Plant Interior

Managing Space
Seeing the Space

Chapter 5

Facility Inspections:Supporting Insect Pest Management in the Food-Manufacturing Environment

Tom Osterberg

Plant Grounds: The Immediate Plant-Exterior Environment
Building(s) Construction Elements and Maintenance

Physical Structure
Plant Equipment

Cleaning Programs and Practices

The Master Sanitation Schedule
Integrated Pest Management Programs
Employee Hygiene: Personnel cGMPs
Finished-Product Warehouse
Receiving: Material-Handling Programs
Shipping: Transportation Guidelines
The Inspection Report

Chapter 6

Insect-Resistant Packaging

Michael A. Mullen and Sharon V. Mowery

History of Food Packaging
Importance of Insect-Resistant Packaging
Insect Response to Food Odor
Insect Pests of Packaged Foods
Testing for Insect Resistance
Methods to Reduce Infestation

Chapter 7

Stored-Product Insect Behavior

James F. Campbell

Exploitation of Patchy Environments

Fundamental Principles
Stored-Product Insects
Implications for Pest Management

Response to Stimuli

Fundamental Principles
Effects on Stored-Product Insects
Implications for Pest Management



Chapter 8

Insect Light Traps

Jack E. Harris

Principles of Operation

Attraction—Energy (Light) Spectrum
Fluorescent Lamp Operation
Ultraviolet Lamp Types
Lamp Life Loss
Safety-Coated Ultraviolet Lamps
Trapping and Containment

Trap Construction

General Trap Designs

Regulation and Compliance Concerns

Audit Guidelines
Electrical and Health Issues
Safety Certification

System Design

Three-Phase System
Surveying and Inspecting

Miscellaneous Facility Management for Flying Insect Control

Exclusion Strategies
Window Tinting
Exterior Structure Color


Chapter 9

Biological Control of Stored-Product Pests

Matthias E. Schöller, Paul W. Flinn, Matthew J. Grieshop, and Eva Žd’árková

Advantages of Biological Control
Disadvantages of Biological Control
Approaches of Biological Control
Natural Enemies

Insect Parasitoids
Insect Predators

Bulk Grain Storage

Parasitoids Field Studies

Mills, Bakeries, Warehouses, and Retail Stores

Field Studies

Future of Biological Control in Stored Products

Chapter 10

Temperature Modification for Insect Control

Ole Dosland, Bhadriraju Subramanyam, Ken Sheppard, and Rizana Mahroof

Background and History of Heat Treatments
Effects of Heat on Insects

Heat Tolerance in Insects

Calculating Heat Energy Requirements
Delivery of Heat Treatments

Safety Considerations During Heat Treatments
Monitoring Heat Treatments
Post-Heat-Treatment Activity

Heat-Treatment Case Studies

Study 1. An In-House Heat Treatment of a Malting Facility
Study 2. Heat Treatment of the Kansas State University Pilot Feed Mill


Chapter 11

Modified Atmospheres for the Control of Stored-Product Insects and Mites

Shlomo Navarro


Background and History
Definitions and Uses of MA
Modifying the Atmosphere of the Storage Ecosystem

Effects of MA on Stored-Product Insects and Mites

Lethal Action of MA on Insects
Interrelated Physical Environment Effects
Biochemical Effects
Physiological Effects
Behavioral Effects

Effects of MA on Product Quality

Germination of Seeds
Product Quality Preservation
Sorption of Carbon Dioxide
Corrosion Potential of Carbon Dioxide

Generation and Application of MA

Generation of MA
Methods for Applying Modified Atmospheres
Sealing and Pressure Test for Gastightness
Monitoring Gas Concentrations

Specific Applications of MA

Cereal-Grain Preservation
Preservation of Tree Nuts and Dried Fruits
Disinfestation of Dates
Packaging of Food
Museum Artifacts
Fresh Storage of Fruits and Vegetables
Narcissus Bulb Treatments

Economics of Treatment

Cost of Sealing
Cost of Gas

Current Usage of MA
Research Needs

Laboratory Work
Field Work

Chapter 12


Michelle Marcotte

Irradiation Effects on Pests
Radiation Effects on Storage Pests

Sensitivity to Radiation
Radiation Doses Required

Irradiation Equipment for Disinfestation: Reality and Concepts

Physics Lesson

So, What’s New in Irradiation?

Gamma Treatment of Rice
Fluid-Bed Processing of Grain

Pest Control in an Irradiation Facility

Chapter 13

Pheromones for Stored-Product Protection

David K. Mueller and Alain VanRyckeghem

A World of Odors
History of Pheromone Study
Pheromones of Stored-Product Insects
Pheromones (and Lures) Are Not Created Equal

Pheromone Types
Traps of a Different Design

Using Pheromone Traps

Know the Pest
Placement of Traps
Outdoor Trapping
Interpreting Trap Catch
Trap Maintenance

Tips for Using Pheromone Traps
Trapping Stored-Food Moths

Female Moth Attractant
Moth Suppression Limitations

Trapping Stored-Food Beetles

Beetle Traps
Controlling Saw-Toothed Grain Beetles
Case Study: Distribution in Warehouse

Capturing Multiple Stored-Product Insect Species with a Pheromone Pitfall Trap

Case Study: Pet Food Retail Store



Chapter 14

Insect Management with Residual Insecticides

Arthur and Pamela S. Peckman

Classes of Residual Insecticides
Residual Insecticide Applications
Factors Affecting Residual Insecticide Performance

Surface Effects
Insecticide Class and Formulation
Toxicity and Exposure Interval
Environmental Effects
Insect Species and Response to Insecticides


Chapter 15

Insecticide Space Treatments in Food Plants

Pamela S. Peckman and Frank H. Arthur

The Concept of Space Treatments
Types of Equipment for Aerosol Space Treatment

Pressurized Aerosols (Cans and Cylinders)
Mechanical Particle Generators (Aerosol Generators, Cold Foggers, Thermal Foggers)

Compounds Used for Space Treatments

Insect Growth Regulators

Safety Practices

Product Protection
Safety of Personnel
Site Preparation and Security

Managing Space Treatment Programs
Future Research
Concluding Remarks

Chapter 16

Commodity and Space Fumigations in the Food Industry

Vern Walter

When to Choose Fumigation
Physical Conditions that Affect Fumigation
Movement of Gases
Dosage and Exposure Periods
Good Sealing is Vital
Placarding of Fumigated Areas
Choice of Fumigants
Methyl Bromide

Before Methyl Bromide: Hydrogen Cyanide
Introduction of Methyl Bromide
Handling of Methyl Bromide

Phosphine (Hydrogen Phosphide)

Fumigation of Railroad Hopper Cars
Phosphine Labeling Requirements for Certified Applicator to Be Present
Procedures for Aerating Phosphine-Fumigated Railcars—Hopper Type

Sulfuryl Fluoride

Sulfuryl Fluoride Advantages

Preparation for Fumigation of a Food-Handling Facility with Profume

Fumigant Dosage Factors
Temperature Factor
Before Fumigant Release

Fumigation Management Plan

Preliminary Planning and Preparation
Sealing Procedures
Application Procedures and Fumigation Period
Post-Application Procedures

Future Trends in Fumigation


Chapter 17

Insecticides and Occupational Health in the Food Industry

Gary W. Olmstead

Types of Insecticides Found in the Food Industry
Usage in the Food Industry
Hazards of Insecticides
Routes of Entry and Protection Techniques
The Respiratory Protection Program
Toxicological Concepts
Safe Insecticide Usage
Determining Insecticide Exposure Concentrations
Medical Examinations
First Aid Treatment
Emergency Treatment For Insecticide Poisoning
Government Regulations


Chapter 18

The Science and Technology of Postharvest Insect Control: Challenges, Accomplishments, and Future Directions

Thomas W. Phillips


The Law
A Case Study
Evolution of Control Methods
Methyl Bromide and Its Alternatives
The New Threat: Bioterrorism

Research Accomplishments and Prospects

Research Organizations
Biology of Insect Cells and Molecules
Insecticide Research
Biological and Bio-Rational Controls
Monitoring, Sampling, and Predicting Pests
Implementing IPM Systems

“…of special value are examples of measurements and interpretation of presence of pests…strongly recommend this book to all persons concerned with raw and processed plant grains and to agricultural and food industry libraries.”
—Journal of Plant Protection Research

Publish Date: 2006
Format: 8.5" × 11" hardcover
ISBN: 978-1-891127-46-5
Pages: 248
Publication Weight: 3 lbs

Edited by Jerry W. Heaps

Insect Management for Food Storage and Processing, Second Edition

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