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Sprouted Grains: Nutritional Value, Production, and Applications, Second Edition

Sprouted Grains: Nutritional Value, Production, and Applications, Second Edition

Edited by Hao Feng, Boris Nemzer, Jonathan W Devries, and Junzhou Ding

This book presents the latest insights into the nutrient and bioactive components of these healthy grains.

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Food Safety: Grain Based Foods

Food Safety: Grain Based Foods

Edited by Andreia Bianchini and Jayne Stratton

This book describes food safety as it relates to different hazards that may be associated with grain-based products, such as chemical, physical, radiological and microbiological hazards, and how to reduce those risks.

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Probability and Statistics for Cereals and Grains: A Guide to Measurement and Analysis

Probability and Statistics for Cereals and Grains: A Guide to Measurement and Analysis

By Terry C. Nelsen

This book is a guide to help technical people be more efficient users of statistics.

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Application of Sampling and Detection Methods in Agricultural Plant Biotechnology

Application of Sampling and Detection Methods in Agricultural Plant Biotechnology

Edited by Ray Shillito and Guomin Shan

This book reviews current technologies for sampling and detecting biotechnology products in seed, plants, grain, food, and feed.

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The Farinograph Handbook: Advances in Technology, Science, and Applications, 4th Edition

The Farinograph Handbook: Advances in Technology, Science, and Applications, 4th Edition

Edited by Jayne E. Bock and Clyde Don

This book outlines how different farinograph models work, how to properly run a standard test and interpret the results, and the standard and unconventional applications for the instrument.

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Storage of Cereal Grains and Their Products, Fifth Edition

Storage of Cereal Grains and Their Products, Fifth Edition

Edited by Kurt A. Rosentrater

This book offers an up-to-date, end-to-end overview of the processing and storage of grain and grain-related products.

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Wheat – An Exceptional Crop:<BR> Botanical Features, Chemistry, Utilization, Nutritional and Health Aspects

Wheat – An Exceptional Crop:
Botanical Features, Chemistry, Utilization, Nutritional and Health Aspects

By Herbert Wieser, Peter Koehler, and Katharina A. Scherf

This book is an outstanding reference for those working and conducting research in the fields of agronomy, food chemistry, food technology, nutrition, allergology, and gastroenterology.

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Extrusion Cooking: Cereal Grains Processing, Second Edition

Extrusion Cooking: Cereal Grains Processing, Second Edition

Edited by Girish M. Ganjyal

This book covers the engineering, chemistry, nutrition and food safety aspects of extrusion cooking.

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Breakfast Cereals and How They Are Made: Raw Materials, Processing, and Production, Third Edition

Breakfast Cereals and How They Are Made: Raw Materials, Processing, and Production, Third Edition

Edited by Alicia A. Perdon, Sylvia L. Schonauer, and Kaisa Poutanen

This book covers the transformation of a cereal grain across the supply chain—from ingredient to finished product and everything in between.

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Asian Noodle Manufacturing: Ingredients, Technology, and Quality

Asian Noodle Manufacturing: Ingredients, Technology, and Quality

Edited by Gary G. Hou

A comprehensive handbook dedicated to this increasingly popular style of noodle.

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Rice: Chemistry and Technology, Fourth Edition

Rice: Chemistry and Technology, Fourth Edition

Edited by Jinsong Bao

Rice: Chemistry and Technology, Fourth Edition, is a fully revised update of the successful third edition, published by AACC International.

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Corn: Chemistry and Technology, Third Edition

Corn: Chemistry and Technology, Third Edition

Edited by Sergio Román Othón Serna-Saldívar

This book provides authoritative, comprehensive content from the world's leading agronomists, food scientists, and geneticists.

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Sorghum and Millets: Chemistry, Technology, and Nutritional Attributes, Second Edition

Sorghum and Millets: Chemistry, Technology, and Nutritional Attributes, Second Edition

Edited by John R. N. Taylor and Kwaku G. Duodu

This edition covers in detail the history, breeding, production, grain chemistry, nutritional quality, and handling of sorghum and millets.

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Sprouted Grains: Nutritional Value, Production, and Applications

Sprouted Grains: Nutritional Value, Production, and Applications

Edited by Hao Feng, Boris Nemzer, and Jonathan W. DeVries

This book is a complete and comprehensive overview of sprouted grains, with coverage from grain to product.

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Carbohydrate Chemistry for Food Scientists, Third Edition

Carbohydrate Chemistry for Food Scientists, Third Edition

By James N. BeMiller

A complete update of the critically acclaimed, authoritative carbohydrate reference for food scientists.

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