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Gliadin and Glutenin: The Unique Balance of Wheat Quality
Gliadin and Glutenin: The Unique Balance of Wheat Quality

"…a valuable source of reference…a great deal of useful information is collected in one place and its quality is attested by the distinguished editorship and authorship as well as peer review process."
—Journal of Cereal Science


Item No. 27519
This important monograph provides a review of the knowledge that makes possible the intelligent tailoring of wheat proteins to provide for specific dough requirements. It emphasizes the combined roles of the gliadin and glutenin proteins in providing the balance that gives wheat gluten its unique rheological properties. In itself the book gives a major update on the composition and functional properties of the gluten proteins, but it also includes introductory chapters to “set the scene” for young scientists and anyone new to this area of food science.

More than one-third of this 480-page book describes ways that our increased knowledge of gluten proteins can be used in practical applications, such as the prediction of dough properties for identifying varieties, and as diagnostic markers of various aspects of grain quality. One chapter explores the potential for genetic manipulation to provide new insights into gluten-protein function and its manipulation. Gluten research discoveries that have assisted in the diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions related to gluten proteins are included.

Food scientists, researchers, students, and wheat breeders will find this to be a useful reference for years to come. The 21 contributing authors read like a “Who’s Who” of grain and dough chemistry, and this book captures a treasure trove of knowledge formed during the most exciting period in the history of this research area. With this book these 21 scientists give you a thorough understanding of the unique balance of wheat quality.

Gliadin and Glutenin: The Unique Balance of Wheat Quality


Gluten: A Balance of Gliadin and Glutenin

C.W. Wrigley, F. Békés, and W. Bushuk


Gliadins of Common Wheat: Polymorphism and Genetics

E.V. Metakovsky, G.P. Branlard, and R.A. Graybosch

Gliadin Alleles in Wheat: Identification and Applications

E.V. Metakovsky and R.A. Graybosch

Some Gli Alleles Related to Common Wheat Dough Quality

G.P. Branlard and E.V. Metakovsky


The High-Molecular-Weight Subunits of Glutenin

P.R. Shewry, N.G. Halford, and D. Lafiandra

Low-Molecular-Weight Glutenin Subunits: Insights into This Abundant Subunit Group Present in Glutenin Polymers

A. Juhász and M.C. Gianibelli

The Polymeric Glutenins

H. Wieser, W. Bushuk, and F. MacRitchie

Practical Uses of Gluten-Composition Knowledge

Prediction of Dough Properties for Bread Wheats

G.B. Cornish, F. Békés, H.A. Eagles, and P.I. Payne

Chemistry, Genetics and Prediction of Dough Strength and End-use Quality in Durum Wheat

M.D. Oak and J.E. Dexter

Genotype Identification

S. Uthayakumaran, C.W. Wrigley, I.L. Batey, W. Bushuk, and G.L. Lookhart

Diagnostic Markers for Quality

C.A. Howitt, K.R. Gale, and A. Juhász

Genetic Manipulation of Gluten Structure and Function

P.R. Shewry, D. Lafiandra, L. Tamás, and F. Békés

Medical Applications of Gluten-Composition Knowledge

R.P. Anderson and H. Wieser

A Wider View of Wheat Quality

Proteins that Complement the Roles of Gliadin and Glutenin

B.L. Jones, C.F. Morris, F. Békés, and C.W. Wrigley

Manipulation of the Gliadin-Glutenin Balance

C.W. Wrigley, F. Békés, C. R. Cavanagh, and W. Bushuk


Gliadin and Glutenin-Subunit Composition Data provided on the AACC International Website

"…a valuable source of reference…a great deal of useful information is collected in one place and its quality is attested by the distinguished editorship and authorship as well as peer review process."
—Journal of Cereal Science
Publish Date: 2006
Format: 6” × 9”; hardcover
ISBN: Print: 978-1-891127-51-9
Pages: 480
Images: 46 images
Publication Weight: 3 lbs

Edited by Colin Wrigley, Ferenc Békés, and Walter Bushuk

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