Edited by Jayne E. Bock and Clyde Don This book outlines how different farinograph models work, how to properly run a standard test and interpret the results, and the standard and unconventional applications for the instrument. Members Save 30%! |
 Edited by Girish M. Ganjyal This book covers the engineering, chemistry, nutrition and food safety aspects of extrusion cooking. Members Save 30%! |
 Edited by Alicia A. Perdon, Sylvia L. Schonauer, and Kaisa Poutanen This book covers the transformation of a cereal grain across the supply chain—from ingredient to finished product and everything in between. Members Save 30%! |
 Edited by Gary G. Hou A comprehensive handbook dedicated to this increasingly popular style of noodle. Members Save 30%! |
 Edited by Jinsong Bao Rice: Chemistry and Technology, Fourth Edition, is a fully revised update of the successful third edition, published by AACC International. Members Save 30%! |
 Edited by Sergio Román Othón Serna-Saldívar This book provides authoritative, comprehensive content from the world's leading agronomists, food scientists, and geneticists. Members Save 30%! |
 Edited by Hao Feng, Boris Nemzer, and Jonathan W. DeVries This book is a complete and comprehensive overview of sprouted grains, with coverage from grain to product. Members Save 30%! |
 By James N. BeMiller A complete update of the critically acclaimed, authoritative carbohydrate reference for food scientists. Members Save 30%! |
 Edited by E.B. Russell Chemical Leavening Basics is a concise, easy to use reference to help readers understand chemical leavening components, uses, assessments in products, and methods for testing. |
 Edited by John R. N. Taylor and Joseph M. Awika This book provides key information on the sustainable production of gluten-free grains. |
 By Sean Finnie and William A. Atwell A straightforward, practical guide that offers coverage of specific product applications, problem resolution, and basics of wheat and milling. |
 Edited by L.W. Rooney and S.O. Serna-Saldívar A comprehensive guide to the science and technology behind corn and wheat flour tortillas • the “World’s New Bread!” An Important resource for food scientists, product developers, nutritionists, and food safety experts. |
 Edited by R. Yada This book provides readers with the latest information on enzymes, a biological processing tool that offers the food industry a unique means to control and tailor specific food properties. |
 Edited by Joyce I. Boye This book gives a comprehensive overview of current and emerging trends in the formulation and manufacture of nutraceutical and functional food products. |
 Edited by Hosahalli S. Ramaswamy, Michele Marcotte, Sudhir Sastry, and Khalid Abdelrahim This book covers several aspects of Ohmic heating: science and engineering, chemistry and physics, biochemistry and nutrition, quality and safety, and development and technology, both basic and applied. |
 By Fadi Aramouni and Kathryn Deschenes Explains the basics of food technology and new product development from initial planning through formulation, market research, manufacturing and product launch. |
 By Jeffrey L. Casper and William A. Atwell This hands-on book gives readers an entry-level understanding of gluten-free product requirements, their development and production, and the breadth of ingredients available. |
 Edited by Peter R. Shewry and Steven E. Ullrich This book is a source of information for scientists, students and others who need to understand the development, structure, composition, or end use properties of barley grains related to their cultivation, trade, and utilization. |
 Edited by Milda E. Embuscado This book explains the chemistry and engineering of new starch-based polymers and carbohydrates and shows how they are used to improve food texture and also to function as carriers for flavors and bioactive compounds. |
 Edited by Kaisa Poutanen and Per Åman Rye and Health details rye's grain composition, as well as its physiological and health effects on humans using the latest research and information available. |
 Edited by Arnaud Dubat, Cristina Molina-Rosell, and Eimear Gallagher Increasing consumer demand for quality foods with superior nutritional value makes innovative tools like the Mixolab of increasing interest to food developers and producers. |
 Edited by Lynn J. Frewer, Willem Norde, Arnout Fischer, and Frans Kampers This important book provides an overview of nanotechnology, its application to the agri-food sciences, and potential safety and societal issues. |
 Edited by Francis H. Webster and Peter J. Wood This edition addresses all aspects of oat chemistry, processing, nutrition, and plant genetics. It reflects the considerable changes in the science and food uses of oats that have occurred during the last two decades. |
 Edited by Maria Saarela Contains over ten additional chapters on significant topics including omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, consumers and health claims and functional foods for obesity prevention. |
 Edited By Victor Preedy, Ronald Ross Watson, and Vinood B. Patel This comprehensive resource on flour, bread, and their constituents is essential reading for food industry specialists in milling and baking. |
 Edited by Karel Kulp, Robert Loewe, Klaus Lorenz, and Janette Gelroth Updates our knowledge of ingredient utilization in battered and breaded products. |
 By Hans P. Blaschek, Thaddeus Ezeji, and Jürgen Scheffran The first book to focus solely on the production of biofuels primarily from agricultural waste and by-products. |
 Edited by Andrew J. Taylor and Robert S. T. Linforth Offers a broad introduction to the formulation, origins, analysis and performance of food flavours, updating the original chapters and adding valuable material that introduces some of the newer methodologies and recent advances. |
 By Peter Hull Brings together all the relevant information on the manufacture and use of glucose syrups. |
 By Jan A. Delcour and R. Carl Hoseney Completely updated and provides food science professionals and students the most thorough grain science information available. |
 Edited by Peter R. Shewry and Jane L. Ward Presents the basics of fiber as well as practical advice on its uses in foods from dairy applications to baked products. |
 Edited by Susan Sungsoo Cho and Priscilla Samuel Provides information on available fiber sources to help the food industry develop food products with improved health benefits. |
 Edited by Peter L. Weegels, Christophe M. Courtin, Abdessamad Arrachid, and Marco Silvestri This timely proceedings presents 30 papers as well as abstracts with author names and affiliations for all of the presentations at the first Spring Meeting organized by Cereals & Europe. |
 Edited by Grant M. Campbell, Martin G. Scanlon, and D. Leo Pyle This volume aims to enhance the appreciation of aerated foods and to provide stimulation and cross fertilization of ideas for the exploitation of bubbles as a novel and versatile food ingredient. |
 Edited by Elke Arendt and Fabio Dal Bello Presents the latest work in the development of gluten-free products. |
 Edited By Graham B. Crosbie and Andrew S. Ross This handbook aims to assist users in understanding the scope of applications available and as a tool to guide users in developing new applications or improving existing ones. |
 Edited by Elsayed Abdel-Aal and Peter Wood The book provides details of the history, genetic background, agronomic needs, and advantages and disadvantages of these crops, each described by experts in their field. |
 Edited by KeShun Liu Written for food product developers, food technologists, nutritionists, academic professionals, college graduates, and anyone who is interested in learning about soybeans, soyfoods, soy protein ingredients, and soy nutraceuticals. |
 By Andrew Hoefler Brings together essential information on these fundamental ingredients, which are used in many food products. |
 Edited by Peter R. Shewry and George L. Lookhart Provides proven, hands-on methods for analyzing wheat gluten proteins. |
 Edited by Len Marquart, Joanne L. Slavin, and R. Gary Fulcher Professionals in the food industry will find this reference invaluable for developing whole-grain products and enhancing the taste, quality, and health profile of whole-grain foods. |
 By Amy L. Nelson Presents the basics of fiber as well as practical advice on its uses in foods from dairy applications to baked products. |
 By Clyde Stauffer Presents the basics about emulsifiers as well as practical advice about their uses in products from baked goods to dressings and sauces. |
 By Amy L. Nelson This handbook explains the basics of alternative sweeteners and provides practical advice relating to their uses in foods and beverages. |
 Edited by Grant M. Campbell, Colin Webb, Severino S. Pandiella, and Keshavan Niranjan Provides an overview of current food aeration knowledge and research, as well as practical, food-group specific advice. |
 By F. J. Francis A complete, hands-on reference for anyone using colorants and their applications to enhance the visual quality of products. |
 By Paul R. Mathewson Provides practical information in a straightforward non-technical manner for every food industry practitioner. |
 Edited by Rob J. Hamer and R. Carl Hoseney Combines a general overview with a series of in-depth chapters on the role of proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, and their interactions. |
 By David J. Thomas and William A. Atwell Combining a user-friendly format with expert guidance, handbooks in this series are designed to meet the needs of professionals in many areas of the food industry. |
 By Ramesh Chandan Offers fast answers to most questions about the use of milk-derived products as ingredients in the food industry. |