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Rice: Chemistry and Technology, Fourth Edition
Rice: Chemistry and Technology, Fourth Edition

  • A complete update of the popular previous edition, including six new chapters on rice quality

  • Identifies the nutritional and health benefits of rice, one of the world's staple foods

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This Cereals & Grains Association book has been produced in partnership with Elsevier, one of the world's leading scientific publishers. By clicking this link, you will be directed to Elsevier's online bookstore.


Rice: Chemistry and Technology, Fourth Edition, is a fully revised update of the successful third edition, published by AACC International. The content is organized into four main sections:

  • Rice grain structure and its main compositional components, along with the biotechnological and genetic basis of recent progress in rice chemistry

  • Aspects of rice grain quality, such as visual appearance, milling, cooking, and sensory quality, discussed in the context of rice as a staple food

  • Advances in processing technologies for rice, emphasizing key postharvest handling steps, such as drying and storage

  • Rice as an ingredient in traditional and new food products and the use of rice hulls and straw as adsorbents, biofuels, and so forth

Key features of the book are as follows:

  • Outlines the nutritional and health benefits of rice

  • Covers the growing and harvesting of rice crops

  • Includes the use of rice and rice by-products beyond its primary use as a staple food

  • Explains rice chemistries, including sections on starch, protein, and lipids

Edited by an internationally recognized scientist, Jinsong Bao, and written by experts from across the world, this new edition will be of interest to both academic and public-sector researchers working in all aspects of rice production and improvement—from genetics and breeding to storage and distribution. This new edition will also be essential reading for those in the food industry tasked with the development of new rice-based products.

Rice: Chemistry and Technology, Fourth Edition, has been produced through AACC International’s partnership with Elsevier, one of the world’s leading scientific publishers.

Rice: Chemistry and Technology, Fourth Edition

Chapter 1. Origin, Taxonomy, and Phylogenetics of Rice

Chapter 2. Gross Structure and Composition of the Rice Grain

Chapter 3. Rice Starch

Chapter 4. Rice Proteins and Essential Amino Acids

Chapter 5. Rice Lipids and Rice Bran Oil

Chapter 6. Rice Minerals and Heavy Metal(oid)s

Chapter 7. Rice Vitamins

Chapter 8. Rice Phenolics and Other Natural Products

Chapter 9. Rice End-Use Quality Analysis

Chapter 10. Rice Milling Quality

Chapter 11. Rice Appearance Quality

Chapter 12. Rice Cooking and Sensory Quality

Chapter 13. Impact of Climate Change on Rice Grain Quality

Chapter 14. Biotechnology for Rice Grain Quality Improvement

Chapter 15. Postharvest Technology: Rice Drying

Chapter 16. Postharvest Technology: Rice Storage and Cooling Conservation

Chapter 17. Rice Noodles

Chapter 18. Rice in Brewing

Chapter 19. Utilization of Rice Hull and Straw

Publish Date: 2018
Format: 6" x 9" softcover
ISBN: 978-0-128115-08-4
Pages: 678
Publication Weight: 5 lbs

Edited by Jinsong Bao

Rice: Chemistry and Technology, Fourth Edition

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