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High-Fiber Ingredients
High-Fiber Ingredients

“…a practical approach to understanding the basics of food ingredients, applications and processes.”
—Carbohydrate Polymers


Item No. 27233
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High-Fiber Ingredients provides the basic information every product developer needs to know about adding fiber to food.

It is the ninth title in the Eagan Press Handbook Series. Combining a user-friendly format with expert guidance, handbooks in this series are designed to meet the needs of professionals in many areas of the food industry. Each title focuses on an ingredient or application, giving information that is currently unavailable in a single source and presenting its subject in straightforward language.

High-Fiber Ingredients is a complete, hands-on reference for anyone using high-fiber ingredients and their applications to enhance food products.

Eagan Press Handbooks are valuable reference tools for a wide range of professionals, including:

  • New Product Developers
  • Quality Assurance Staff
  • Purchasing Agents
  • Production Personnel
  • Plant Managers and Supervisors
  • Teachers
  • Students
  • Suppliers
  • Technical Sales Representatives
  • Engineers
  • Food Scientists

High-Fiber Ingredients Handbook

Defining High-Fiber Ingredient Terminology

High-Fiber Properties and Analyses

Baked Goods and Extruded Applications

Beverages and Dairy Applications

Other Applications

Jams, Jellies and Preserves
Icings, Frostings, and Glazes
Soups/Sauces/Gravies/Salad Dressings

Special Topics

Health and Nutrition Aspects
Labeling/Nutrient Content/Health Claims

“…a practical approach to understanding the basics of food ingredients, applications and processes.”
—Carbohydrate Polymers

“This handbook brings together essential information, presenting the basics about fiber, as well as practical advice on its uses in foods."
—Food Trade Review

“High-Fiber Ingredients presents the basics about fiber as well as practical advice on its uses in foods from dairy applications to baked products.”
—Beverage and Food World

Publish Date: 2001
Format: 8" x 10" softcover
ISBN: Print: 978-1-891127-23-6
Pages: 110
Images: 18 black and white images
Publication Weight: 1 lbs

By Amy L. Nelson

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