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Whole-Grain Foods in Health and Disease
Whole-Grain Foods in Health and Disease

Food industry professionals use this reference for developing whole-grain products and enhancing the taste, quality, and health profile of whole-grain foods.

Item No. 27292

Whole-Grain Foods in Health and Disease provides a broad-based foundation of knowledge about whole grains, including the latest information on health benefits and disease prevention resulting from consumption of whole grains as well as information on consumer knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors toward whole-grain foods. It is the first book of its kind to provide a comprehensive review of current whole grain science and technology, regulatory/policy issues, dietary intake, consumer interest and health promotion.

This reference includes the most information on whole grain constituents, including dietary fiber, resistant starch, oligosaccharides, vitamins, trace minerals, phenolic compounds, phytate, phytoestrogens, plant stanols, and sterols. The book explores how these components may work synergistically to mediate cholesterol, insulin and glucose response, decrease blood pressure, function as antioxidants, bind carcinogens and decrease transit time through the colon, reducing the risk for heart disease, cancer and type 2 diabetes.

Whole Grain Foods in Health and Disease outlines policy and regulatory recommendations that provide additional dietary guidance for consumption of whole grain. The book also addresses the role of industry in creating and promoting great tasting whole grain products.

Scientists, nutritionists, dietitians, diabetic educators, and professionals in the food industry will gain insight into the health promoting benefits of whole-grain foods. Food scientists and technologists will find this reference valuable for developing whole-grain products and enhancing the taste, quality, and health profile of whole-grain foods.

Whole-Grain Foods in Health and Disease

Foreword by D. Kritchevsky and F. Clydesdale

Whole Grains, Whole Wheat, and White Flours in History

G. A. Spiller

Whole-Grain Structure and Organization: Implications for Nutritionists and Processors

R. G. Fulcher and T. K. Rooney Duke

Fractionation of Wheat and Barley

M. S. Izydorczyk, S. J. Symons, and J. E. Dexter

Whole-Grain Oats and Oat Products

F. H. Webster

Whole-Wheat Products—An Overview

W. A. Atwell

Processing and Quality of Whole-Wheat Pasta

F. A. Manthey

Dietary Carbohydrates, Whole Grains, and the Risk of Type Diabetes Mellitus

S. Liu

Whole-Grains Intake and Risk for Coronary Heart Disease

J. W. Anderson

Cereal-Grain Foods, Fibers, and Cancer Prevention

G. H. McIntosh and D. R. Jacobs

Whole Grain Consumption and Body Weight Regulation

M. A. Pereira

Whole-Grain Micronutrients

G. Miller, A. Prakash, and E. Decker

Whole Grains, Phytoestrogens, and Health

K. Poutanen, K. Liukkonen, and H. Adlercreutz

Effects of Grains on Glucose and Insulin Responses

K. M. Behall and J. Hallfrisch

Whole Grains, Dietary Fiber, and Resistant Starch

J. L. Slavin

Dietary Intake of Whole Grains: A Challenge for Consumers

L. S. Kantor, J. N. Variyam, J. E. Allshouse, J. J. Putnam, and B.-H. Lin

Whole-Grains Health Claims: Supporting Scientific Evidence and the FDA Modernization Act Process

K. L. Wiemer

The Consumer and Whole Grains

J. F. Adams, P. Griffiths,and M. Reicks

Taking Action to Move Forward with the Message About Whole Grains

Julie Miller Jones, Marla Reicks, Gary Fulcher, Len Marquart, Judith F. Adams, Glen Weaver, and Mitch Kanter

Future Issues and Directions for Whole Grains and Health: The Next Years

L. Marquart, J. L. Slavin, and R. G. Fulcher

Publish Date: 2002
Format: 6" x 9" hardcover
ISBN: 978-1891127-29-8
Pages: 382
Images: 47 black and white images
Publication Weight: 2 lbs

Edited by Len Marquart, Joanne L. Slavin, and R. Gary Fulcher

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