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Consumer Driven Cereal Innovation
Consumer Driven Cereal Innovation

“…a remarkable scientific meeting and this document tells it all.”
—South African Association for Food Science & Technology

Item No. 27618

Consumer Driven Cereal Innovation: Where Science Meets Industry includes a collection of papers from oral and poster presentations, along with all the abstracts from the first Spring Meeting organized by Cereals&Europe, the European section of AACC International. These proceedings discuss the major innovation challenges the cereal industry is facing to meet consumers’ demands and expectations.

Consumers’ needs are perhaps best summarized as foods that are safe, healthy, and tasty. This book helps answer important questions regarding these essential needs. With respect to safety, the cereal industry can already boast of an excellent reputation and a long tradition of safeguarding cereals and their products. But how can one define “healthy”? How does one distinguish between reality and fiction? If the best ways to add health benefits to cereal products are to be determined, the consumer’s palate needs first to be pleased. What are the most cost-effective ways to manufacture grain-based products for safety, health, and palatability? This conference addressed these important questions and this book is the result of the research and insights of many of the brightest minds in grain science today.

Areas of Focus - Consumer Driven Cereal Innovation Conference Proceedings

Plenary – Papers from Invited Lecturers:

  • Consumer Attitudes Towards Healthy Cereal Products
  • Consumer, Cereals and Health: Trends, Fads and Reality
  • Health Benefits of Whole Grain Products

Science Track:

  • Consumer Insights and Nutritional Aspects of Innovative Cereal-based Products
         Nutritional and Sensory Quality
  • Cereals: Source of High Quality Nutrients
         Regulation and Functional Nutrients

Technology Track:

  • Better processes for Better Nutrition
  • Bioactive Ingredients
  • Product Quality
         Product Texture and Quality
         Shelf Life

Consumer Driven Cereal Innovation: Where Science Meets Industry


Invited Lectures


Consumer Attitudes Towards Healthy Cereal Products
Consumer, Cereals and Health: Trends, Fads and Reality
Health Benefits of Whole Grain Products


Futures for the Agri-Industry. Nutrition & Health 2020—A Scenario Example
Bringing Cereal Based Foods Back in the Core of People’s Diet
Effects of Cereal Foods on Glucose and Insulin Metabolism: A Nutrigenomics Approach
Diet, Obesity and Genes in Europe: Diogenes and Other Projects
Implications of the New EU Legislation Regarding Health Claims


Consumer Insights and Nutritional Aspects of Innovative Cereal-Based Products

Nutritional and Sensory Quality


(Bio)processing as Tool to Tailor Cereal Flavour


How to Make Good Dough - Revitalizing Your Product Portfolio by Understanding Consumer Needs
Assessment of the Suitability of a Range of Gluten-Free Cereals for Their Potential Use in Gluten-Free Bread
Effect of Lactic Acid Fermentation of Barley Whole Meal Flour on Carbohydrate Composition, Anti-Nutritional Factors and Digestibility
Structure-Property Relations for Starch: Characterization and Nutrition
Fructans in Durum Wheat: An Opportunity for Functional Foods



In Vivo Digestive Starch Characteristics and Postprandial Glucose Kinetics of Wholemeal Wheat Bread
The Role of Novel Cellulose Dietary Fibers in Controlling Tissue Lipid Levels in High-Fat Fed Hamsters
Whole-Grain and Refined Wheat Flours Show Distinct Metabolic Profiles in Rats as Assessed by 1H NMR-Based Metabonomic Approach

Cereals: Source of High Quality Nutrients

Regulation and Functional Nutrients


Wheat Flour Associated Xylanases Affect the AX Population in Dough
Variation in Rheological Properties of Dough Enriched in Untreated and Treated
Dietary Fiber Rich Cereal Fractions
The EU Nutrition and Health Claim Regulation – Impact on Cereal R&D


Functional Oat Fractions for Healthy and Tasty Products
Insight in the Anti-Staling Properties of a Maltogenic Amylase During Bread Making
Addition of Bread Wheat Semolina to Flour Leads to Preservation of Starch
Granular Structure During Bread Making
How to Make a Healthy, High Fibre Bread with Excellent Taste



A Rapid Quantitative Acoustic Technique to Screen for DON in Grain


Developments in the Measurement of Dietary Fibre, Available Carbohydrates and Other Components Affecting Food Quality


The Wheat Bugs (Insecta Heteroptera) in Spanish Wheat Samples, and Their Effect on Flour Rheological Quality
Comparison of Predictions of Baking Volume Using Large Deformation Rheological
Properties: Dough Inflation System, Kieffer Dough Extensibility System and 2g Mixograph
Effect of the Sowing Date on Physicochemical and Functional Properties of Native Starches
Extracted from European Soft Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
Reducing and Cross-Linking Wheat Seed Storage Proteins with Thioredoxin
Mechanism of Gliadin-Glutenin Linking During Bread Baking
Quality Evaluation and High Throughput Analysis of Aromatic Italian Rice Varieties Through HS-SPME/GC-MS Analysis


Separation of Protein Subunits in Irish Wheat Flours Using Microfluidic
Technology to Determine Quality and Potential End-Uses of Individual Flours
Study of Gluten Network Development in Mixed Batter Dough: Structural and Biochemical Modifications
Optimization of Extrusion Cooking Parameters for Main Commercial Pulse Legumes
Compositional and Technological Changes of Wheat During Germination
Cereal Proteomics: Interactions of Transglutaminase and Buckwheat Proteins
Quantitation of the Dilatancy of Different Starches: Effects on the Water Holding Capacity, the Techno-Functional Properties of Wheat Dough
Effect of Growth Temperature on Viscosity of Soluble Barley Beta-Glucan
Build-Up of Gluten Proteins During Grain Filling: The Influence of Environmental Factors
Influence of Temperature and Relative Humidity on the Mechanical Properties and Grinding Behaviour of Wheat Bran
Gelatinization and Retro-Gradation Properties of Acetylated Corn Starch Studied by DSC
Xylanase Inhibitors Bind to Polysaccharides
Effects of Genotype, Harvest Year, Genotype-by-Harvest Year Interactions and Agronomic Factors on the Variability of Wheat Associated Xylanases
Raman Analysis of Ferulate Content in Wheat Arabinoxylans
Investigation of Barley Protein Concentrate, Isolates and Hydrolysate by Gel Filtration Chromatography
Reverse Engineering Approach on Cereal Food Foams Processing and Behaviour: A Knowledge Management Approach
Comparison of the Methods Used for the Estimation of Damaged Starch in Wheat Flour Samples
French Bread as Source of Dietary Fibres
Behaviour of Carotenoids and Tocopherols Originating from Corn in the Process of Production of Corn Oil and Corn Semolina
The Content of Vitamin E in Organic Wheat- and Spelt Flour Depending on the Type of Grinding
Structural Analysis of Exopolysaccharides Produced by Sourdough Related Microbes
MONIQA—A New EU-Project Towards the Harmonization of Analytical Methods for Monitoring Food Quality and Safety in the Food Supply Chain


Better Processes for Better Nutrition


A New Kneading Process with Oxygen-Enriched Water
Development of New Dry Fractionation Processes of Wheat Grain to Address
Consumers’ Demand for Healthy Foods and Ingredients


Pre-Fermented Frozen Dough. Impact of Pre-Fermentation on Baking Performance
Controlling Oat Flake Quality to Meet Customer Needs
Technology of Drinkable Pro-Biotic Cereal Suspensions (Smoothies)

Bioactive Ingredients


Application of Extruded Wheat Bran for Added-Value Bread Production
Leveraging Fiber Characteristics to Functionally Improve Food Products


A New Healthy and Functional Ingredient
Flax: A Versatile Nutritional Ingredient

Product Quality

Product Texture and Quality


The Oxygreen® Process, a New Tool for Global Improvement of Whole Wheat Grain and of All Products from Wheat Grain Milling
Water Migration and Molecular Mobility in Cakes During Storage: An NMR Investigation


Interfacial Properties of Dough Liquor from Lipase Modified Dough
Impact of Parboiling on the Maillard Reaction in Long-Grain Rice
Towards a Decision Support Tool for French Bread Making: Qualitative Representation and Expert-System Shell for Mixing

Shelf Life


Antifungal Activity of Sourdough and Potential to Reduce the Level of Calcium Propionate in Wheat Bread
Ingredients for Improving Frozen Bakery Products - An Application Which Meets Consumer and Market Needs



Asparagine Concentration and Acrylamide Formation Potential in Wheat Flour as Affected by Sulfur Fertilization


Pesticide Residues in Post Harvest Treated Wheat, Barley and Their Products


Can You Mix Hot Dough?
Bread Dough Modification Related to Exogenous Phospholipases Usage
Wheat Protein for Lipid Management
Effect of Flour Type on Cake Volume and Cookie Diameter Evaluated Dynamically During Baking
The Effects of Different Mixing Processes on Dough Rheology and Bread Loaf Attributes
Influence of Nitrogen Fertilizer Treatments on Soft Wheat Starch Characteristics
Study of the Frozen Part-Baked Bread Odour
Automation of Methods for Cereal Qualification: Development and Validation of Macro- and Micro-Scale Sedimentation-Tests
Isolation and Characterization of Aleurone from Wheat Bran


Optimization of a Ripening Chamber Including Energy Recovery: Innovative Possibilities for the Ripening Control
Business Informing Science and Science Informing Business for the Benefit of Improved Customer Health
Extrusion Cooking: A Comparison of the Effect of Vegetable Oils from Different Sources on Wheat Starch Extrusion Behaviour
Fractionation and Characterisation of Protein Hydrolysates Produced by Enzymic Hydrolysis of Brewers’ Spent Grain
Functional Properties of Resistant Starch Preparations Formed by Acid Hydrolysis and Heat Treatment
Valorisation in Bread of Dietary Fibres from By-Products of the Agro-Industries
Mathematical Description of Wheat Cultivar Quality
Effects of Dietary Protein from Japanese and Proso Millets on Plasma Levels of Lipids, Glucose, Insulin and Adiponectin in Type 2 Diabetic Mice
Fundamental Studies on the Reduction of Salt in Wheat Bread
Fundamental Studies on the High Pressure Treatment of Oat Doughs
Fundamental Studies on the Impact of Emulsifiers and Dough Improvers on Gluten-Free Bread Quality
Protein Content: Not an Unambiguous Concept for the Effect on Baking Quality of Wheat
Oxidative Enzymes: New Tools for Bread Making
Flour Quality Determination Using a Controlled Benchtop Performance Method in a Model Pizza Dough System
Evaluation of Hard Red Spring Wheat Quality with Mixolab
Development of Methods for Real Time PCR Quantification of Triticum durum Sourdoughs Microflora
Influence of Wheat Starch Modification on Bread Staling
New Rapid Glycemic TNO Index Method (GTI) for Prediction of Glycemic Index and Measurement of Carbohydrate Digestibility
Extruded Cereals with Added Value by Using Pre-Biotic Inulin

Author Index

“…a remarkable scientific meeting and this document tells it all.”
—South African Association for Food Science Technology
Publish Date: 2009
Format: 6” x 9” softcover
ISBN: 978-1-891127-61-8
Pages: 190
Publication Weight: 1 lbs

Edited by Peter L. Weegels, Christophe M. Courtin, Abdessamad Arrachid, and Marco Silvestri

Consumer Driven Cereal Innovation: Where Science Meets Industry

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