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Interactions: The Keys to Cereal Quality
Interactions: The Keys to Cereal Quality

"Cereal and food science graduate students, cereal quality researchers and food product development scientists will find this book an excellent resource."
—Journal of Food Quality

Item No. 50996
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A question facing all food scientists in their pursuit of producing quality cereal products is: "What is quality?" With Interactions: the Keys to Cereal Quality, food technologists will gain with a more informed perspective of cereal science in relation to quality. By examining the question of quality in cereal science, they will benefit from an enhanced understanding of cereal chemistry. These insights will improve cereal chemistry applications.

The Role of Interactions

This book combines a general overview with a series of in-depth chapters on the role of proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, and their interactions. The introductory chapter is an overview of the role of interactions in the conversion of wheat into bread. Interactions related to final product quality of wheat —flour, dough, baked product— are thoroughly followed through their processing changes to the final product.

Interactions: The Keys to Cereal Quality

Interactions in Wheat Doughs

W. Bushuk, University of Manitoba

Protein-Protein Interactions—Essential to Dough Rheology

C. W. Wrigley, J. L. Andrews, F. Bekes, P. W. Gras, R. B. Gupta, F. MacRitchie, and J. H. Skerritt, CSIRO, Australia

Lipid-Carbohydrate Interactions

A.-C. Eliasson, University of Lund, Sweden

Protein-Carbohydrate Interactions

K. R. Preston, Canadian Grain Commission, Winnipeg

Temperature-Induced Changes of Wheat Products

P. L. Weegels, Unilever Research Laboratory, Vlaardingen, The Netherlands, and R. J. Hamer, TNO Nutrition and Food Research Institute, Zeist, The Netherlands

Lipids, Lipid-Protein Interactions and the Quality of Baked Cereal Products

D. Marion and L. Dubreil, INRA, Cedex, France, and P. J. Wilde and D. C. Clark, Institute of Food Research, Norwich, England

"Cereal and food science graduate students, cereal quality researchers and food product development scientists will find this book an excellent resource."
—Journal of Food Quality
Publish Date: 1998
Format: 6" x 9" hardcover
ISBN: 978-0-913250-99-0
Pages: 184
Images: 59 black and white images
Publication Weight: 2 lbs

Edited by Rob J. Hamer and R. Carl Hoseney

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