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Ohmic Heating in Food Processing
Ohmic Heating in Food Processing

This book covers several aspects of Ohmic heating: science and engineering, chemistry and physics, biochemistry and nutrition, quality and safety, and development and technology, both basic and applied. It describes the importance of Ohmic technology and how to implement it in practice, addressing basic theory, principles, and applications.

Item No. 71085


  • Covers all aspects of Ohmic heating science and engineering, chemistry and physics, biochemistry and nutrition, and development and technology
  • Highlights the impact of the technology on the quality and safety of food
  • Provides a comparison between Ohmic heating versus other heating technologies, including advantages and limitations
  • Discusses the effects of electricity on foods, microorganisms, enzymes, and biopolymers
  • Includes descriptions of various industrial systems currently available
  • Addresses economic aspects of employing Ohmic heating in industrial settings
  • Considers process validation and regulatory issues


Ohmic heating provides rapid and uniform heating, resulting in less thermal damage than conventional heating and allowing manufacturers to obtain high-quality products with minimum sensorial, nutritional, and structural changes. Ohmic Heating in Food Processing covers several aspects of Ohmic heating: science and engineering, chemistry and physics, biochemistry and nutrition, quality and safety, and development and technology, both basic and applied. It describes the importance of Ohmic technology and how to implement it in practice, addressing basic theory, principles, and applications.

Divided into nine sections, this volume covers the basics of Ohmic heating, including a historic overview and fundamental principles; electrical conductivity, its importance, factors that influence it, and data modeling; biological effects of electricity on foods and food components, including microorganisms, enzymes, proteins, carbohydrates, and fats; and Ohmic heating behavior and design parameters. The book also deals with issues in Ohmic heating equipment, Ohmic heating modeling issues, and process validation issues.

The authors discuss various applications of Ohmic heating applied to different classes of foods. They also examine commercially successful applications of food products processed by Ohmic heating and consider applications of Ohmic heating where preservation is not the main focus, for example, blanching, Ohmic thawing, and the potential for Ohmic heating for long-duration space missions.

Ohmic Heating in Food Processing

Section 1 Basics of Ohmic Heating

Overview of Ohmic Heating

Sudhir K. Sastry

Why Ohmic Heating? Advantages, Applications, Technology, and Limitations

Sudhir K. Sastry, Brian F. Heskitt, Sanjay S. Sarang, Romel Somavat, and Ken Ayotte

Section 2 Electrical Conductivity

Electrical Conductivity: Importance and Methods of Measurement

Mohammad Reza Zareifard, Michele Marcotte, Hosahalli S. Ramaswamy, and Yousef Karimi-Zindashty

The Electrical Conductivity of Foods

Mohammad Reza Zareifard, Hosahalli S. Ramaswamy, Michele Marcotte, and Yousef Karimi-Zindashty

Factors Influencing Electrical Conductivity

Mohammad Reza Zareifard, Hosahalli S. Ramaswamy, Michele Marcotte, and Yousef Karimi-Zindashty

Modeling of Electrical Conductivity in the Context of Ohmic Heating

Mohammad Reza Zareifard, Michele Marcotte, Hosahalli S. Ramaswamy, and Yousef Karimi-Zindashty

Section 3 Biological Effects of Electricity on Foods

Electricity Effects on Microorganisms and Enzymes

António Augusto Vicente, Ricardo Nuno Pereira, Thereza Christina V. Penna, and Marcos Knirsch

Effect of Ohmic Heating on Fish Proteins and Other Biopolymers

Jae W. Park and Zachary H. Reed

Electrochemical Reactions during Ohmic Heating and Moderate Electric Field Processing

Chaminda P. Samaranayake and Sudhir K. Sastry

Section 4 Ohmic Heating Behavior and Design Parameters

Ohmic Heating Behavior of Foods

Ricardo Simpson, Erica Carevic, Romina Grancelli, and Jorge Moreno

Electrodes in Ohmic Heating

Yetenayet Bekele Tola, Navneet Singh Rattan, and Hosahalli S. Ramaswamy

Energy Efficiency and Control of the Ohmic Heating Process

Luc Fillaudeau and Sami Gnhimi

Section 5 Equipment for Ohmic Heating

Ohmic Heating Laboratory Units

Sanjay S. Sarang, Brian F. Heskitt, and Sudhir K. Sastry

Tubular and Fluid Jet Units

Sami Ghnimi, Guillaume Delaplace, and Luc Fillaudeau

Section 6 Modeling of Ohmic Heating

Modeling Basics as Applied to Ohmic Heating of Liquid and Wall Cooling

Jean-Pierre Pain and Frans L. Muller

Modeling: Static vs. Continuous Systems

Filiz Içier

Sensitivity Analysis of the Ohmic Heating Process

Cuiren Chen, Khalid Abdelrahim, Hosahalli S. Ramaswamy, and Michele Marcotte

Section 7 Ohmic Heating as Applied to Specific Foods

Ohmic Heating of Muscle Foods (Meat, Poultry, and Fish Products)

James G. Lyng

Applications of Ohmic Heating to Milk and Dairy Products

Ajaypal Singh, Navneet Singh Rattan, Phani Tej Raghav Narayanapurapu, and Hosahalli S. Ramaswamy

Fruits and Vegetables

Gary Tucker

Commercially Successful Applications

Gary Tucker

Section 8 Other Applications and Future Uses of Ohmic Heating

Ohmic Blanching

Filiz Içier and Hayriye Bozkurt

Ohmic Heating as Thawing and Tempering Technology

Nadide Seyhun, Servet Gulum Sumnu, and Hosahalli S. Ramaswamy

Ohmic Heating as an Aseptic Sterilization Process for Particulate Foods

Luc Fillaudeau and Legrand Alexandra

Ohmic Heating for Space Applications

Sudhir K. Sastry

Ohmic Cooking of Food

Mohammad M. Farid, Wei Jian Kong, and Necati Ozkan


Marta Orlowska, Alain LeBail, and Michel Havet

Section 9 Process Validation

Validation of Ohmic Processing Systems

Dilip I. Chandarana

Biovalidation of Ohmic Processing Systems

Khalid Abdelrahim, Suzanne Tortorelli, and Cuiren Chen

Regulatory Issues

Gregory J. Fleischman

Publish Date: 2014
Format: 7” × 10” hardcover
Pages: 507
Images: 146 images
Publication Weight: 3 lbs

Edited by Hosahalli S. Ramaswamy, Michele Marcotte, Sudhir Sastry, and Khalid Abdelrahim

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