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Mixolab: A New Approach to Rheology
Mixolab: A New Approach to Rheology

Increasing consumer demand for quality foods with superior nutritional value makes innovative tools like the Mixolab of increasing interest to food developers and producers.

Item No. 27779
Publishing high-quality food production applications handbooks is a hallmark of AACCI PRESS and Mixolab: A New Approach to Rheology is no exception. Increasing consumer demand for quality foods with superior nutritional value makes innovative tools like the Mixolab of increasing interest to food developers and producers. Operators, breeders, millers, researchers, product developers, formulators, and bakers will find answers to their questions, along with guidelines for maximizing the use of the Mixolab for a wide range of applications. Gaining a better understanding of the instrument's capabilities will assist in discovery of novel uses by both research and production professionals.

Key Features

  • Technical description of the Mixolab and comparison with existing devices
  • Coverage of durum wheat, rice, corn, buckwheat, and other cereals
  • Specific focus on gluten, starch, ingredients, and enzymes
  • Influence of sugar, fats, and salt on dough rheology
  • International comparisons of HACCP experiences
  • Table of uses for specific carbohydrates
  • Descriptions of improved laboratory techniques
  • Wheat testing for breeders

 An Essential Reference For:

  • Additive manufacturers
  • Bakers
  • Breeders
  • Enzyme manufacturers
  • Millers
  • Quality control laboratories
  • Research laboratories
  • Research and development centers
  • Storage elevators
  • Students
  • Universities
  • Yeast producers

Mixolab: A New Approach to Rheology

Part I. Device Presentation

1. The Mixolab

The Mixolab Standard
The Mixolab Profiler
The Mixolab Simulator

2. Factors Affecting Mixolab Performance

Mixing Conditions
Heating and Cooling Conditions
Dough Preparation

3. Relationship Between the Mixolab and Other Devices

Correlations Between Mixolab Parameters and Changes in Protein Properties and Between the Mixolab and the Brabender Farinograph
Relationships Between Parameters from Mixolab and Rapid Visco Analyser Curves Associated with Starch Changes During Pasting-Gelling of Formulated Doughs
Relationships Between Farinograph, Mixolab, And RVA Parameters During Mixing, Overmixing, Pasting, and Gelling

Part II. Measuring Cereal Chemistry with the Mixolab

4. Use of Mixolab on Formulated Flours

Mixing and Pasting Properties of Wheat Dough As Measured by the Mixolab
Effects of Hydrocolloids
Effects of Proteins
Effects of Commercial Fibers
Effects of Enzymes

5. Characterization of Starch Using the Mixolab

Analysis of Waxy Wheat Flour
Analysis of Hard Wheat Flour Blended with Wheat, Corn, and Potato Starches
Analysis of Soft Wheat Flour Blended with Wheat, Corn, and Potato Starches

6. Amylase Activity and the Mixolab

Methods Available for the Determination of Amylase Activities
Experimental Details
Alpha-Amylase Activity from Mixolab Data on White Flour
Alpha-Amylase Activity from Mixolab Data on Ground Wheat
Relationship Between Flour and Ground Wheat Data

7. Mixolab Analysis of Vital Wheat Gluten

Analyzing Gluten Using the Mixolab
Analysis of Native Vital Wheat Gluten
Starch Addition
Sample Analysis
Comparing Water Absorptions of Vital Wheat Gluten Samples
Mixolab Standardization
Mix Stability
Determining Sprouted Wheat Damage in Vital Wheat Gluten
Gluten Integrity

8. Estimation of Protease Activity by Use of the Mixolab

Protease in Wheat

9. Gluten-Free Cereals and Flours and the Mixolab

Mixolab Procedures for Characterization
of Gluten-Free Cereals
Rice, Corn, and Buckwheat Flours and the Mixolab
Gluten-Free Blends and the Mixolab
Pseudocereal Flours in the Mixolab

10. Effects of Additives and Technological Aids (Enzymes) on the Mixolab Curve

Emulsifiers (DATEM)
Enzymes or Processing Aids

Part III. Mixolab for Cereal Breeding and Quality Control

11. Potential Use of the Mixolab in Wheat Breeding

Standard Mixolab Testing Protocol
Accelerated Mixolab Testing Protocol

12. Whole-Kernel Mixolab Testing for Different Cereals

Examples of Various Cereals

13. Adaptation of the Mixolab for Durum Wheat Testing

Material and Methods
Analytical Procedure

14. Use of the Mixolab in Predicting Rice Quality

Materials and Methods
Results and Discussion

Part IV. Technical Data

15. Mixolab Operation, Maintenance, and Troubleshooting


Appendix. Updated References
Publish Date: 2013
Format: 8" x 11.5" softcover
ISBN: 978-1-891127-77-9
Pages: 117
Images: 10 color images
Publication Weight: 2 lbs

Edited by Arnaud Dubat, Cristina Molina-Rosell, and Eimear Gallagher

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