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Gluten-Free Ancient Grains
Gluten-Free Ancient Grains

This book covers grains that are not related to wheat, which includes sorghum, the major millets—pearl, foxtail, proso and finger millet, as well as teff, the major pseudocereals—quinoa, amaranth and buckwheat, and emerging legume grains—lupin, cowpea, Bambara groundnut and marama beans. These are all characterized as gluten-free grains.

Item No. 08669

Edited by John R. N. Taylor and Joseph M. Awika

John Taylor is Professor in the Department of Food Science and is Research Theme Leader for Functional Biomolecules and Foods in the Institute of Food, Nutrition and Well-being at the University of Pretoria. He undertakes research into the quality and processing of African cereal grains, especially sorghum and millets in four interrelating areas: grain quality, with specific emphasis on nutritional quality, malting and brewing, gluten-free baked goods, and protein-based biomaterials.

Joseph Awika is Associate Professor at Texas A&M University. His research focus is grain chemistry and biochemistry - identifying mechanisms by which secondary plant metabolites and minor grain constituents can be optimized to improve food quality and human health. Dr. Awika’s current research investigates synergistic interactions of specific grain polyphenols in food matrix, and effect of complexation of the polyphenols with starch and proteins on macronutrient digestibility and functionality. He is heavily involved in international research activities aimed at improving nutritional, health and food-processing quality of cereals and legumes with the goal of reducing poverty and preventing disease in Africa.

Gluten-Free Ancient Grains: Cereals, Pseudocereals and Legumes covers grains that are not related to wheat. This includes sorghum, the major millets - pearl, foxtail, proso and finger millet, as well as teff, the major pseudocereals - quinoa, amaranth and buckwheat, and emerging legume grains - lupin, cowpea, Bambara groundnut and marama beans. These are all characterized as gluten-free grains.

The book provides key information on the sustainable production of these grains. Ancient grains are characterized by their ability to produce a crop under harsh environmental conditions where the major cereals are not-sustainable or even fail. In order to meet growing food demand, and with water resources becoming scarce, this is a highly valuable quality. Chapters review the major grains, analyzing their production and manufacture processes and detailing their impact on long-term good health.

Of interest to many people and organizations in the food production chain, this book will be of significant value to agricultural scientists, food company innovation and R&D managers, academic and food company nutritionists and dietitians and governmental and non-governmental health ministries and research institutes.

Key Features

  • Provides a comprehensive overview of non-wheat grains
  • Reviews the manufacture and sustainable production of these grains, detailing their abilities to grow in harsh conditions
  • Analyzes the nutritional value of ancient grains and their health-promoting qualities

Gluten-Free Ancient Grains: Cereals, Pseudocereals, and Legues: Sustainable, Nutritious, and Health-Promoting Foods for the 21st Century

Ancient Grains: Meeting the World’s Food and Nutrition Needs in the 21st Century

Global Supply of Ancient Grains in the 21st Century: Keys to Unlocking their Full Potential

Sorghum: Its Unique Nutritional and Health-Promoting Attributes

Millets: Their Unique Nutritional and Health-promoting Attributes

Quinoa: Its Unique Nutritional and Health-promoting Attributes

Amaranth: Its Unique Nutritional and Health-promoting Attributes

Buckwheat: Its Unique Nutritional and Health-promoting Attributes

Lupins: Their Unique Nutritional and Health-promoting Attributes

African Legumes: Nutritional and Health-promoting Attributes

Wild Rice: Nutritional and Health Promoting Attributes

Future Research in the Ancient Grains

Publish Date: 2017
Format: 6" x 9" hardcover
Pages: 342
Publication Weight: 2 lbs

Edited by John R. N. Taylor and Joseph M. Awika

Gluten-Free Ancient Grains: Cereals, Pseudocereals, and Legumes: Sustainable, Nutritious, and Health-Promoting Foods for the 21st Century

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