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Pathogens and Toxins in Foods: Challenges and Interventions
Pathogens and Toxins in Foods: Challenges and Interventions

This title investigates the microbial pathogens and toxic agents that threaten the global food supply. This book sets the foundation for new approaches to control food-borne hazards and decrease the incidence of food-borne illnesses.

Item No. 14595

Pathogens and Toxins in Foods: Challenges and Interventions offers a farm-to-table approach to food safety that enables readers to control microbial pathogens and toxic agents at all stages of the food supply chain. The book begins with chapters that help readers understand the characteristics of specific pathogens and toxins, the illnesses they cause, and the factors such as food processing operations that affect their survival and growth in food products. Further, the chapters in the book explore the most recent advances in biological, chemical, and physical interventions to control food-borne hazards during preharvest, harvest, food processing, and in retail ready-to-eat foods and food service operations.

Also included are chapters that discuss the latest methods to rapidly detect food-borne pathogens as well as the implementation of comprehensive food safety management systems. Each chapter has been written by one or more leading experts in the field of food safety. Their advice is based on a thorough investigation of the literature as well as their own first-hand experience. In short, by drawing from hundreds of sources, this book offers food safety professionals a unique, single reference containing the latest understanding of food-borne hazards as well as the latest methods to detect and control their incidence.

This title investigates the microbial pathogens and toxic agents that threaten the global food supply. It covers all stages of the food supply chain from farm to table. It presents tested and proven intervention strategies to control food-borne hazards. It offers sound advice based on an analysis of the latest findings from the scientific literature. It sets the foundation for new approaches to control food-borne hazards and decrease the incidence of food-borne illnesses.

Pathogens and Toxins in Foods: Challenges and Interventions


Bacillus cereus and Other Bacillus spp.

Mansel W. Griffiths

Campylobacter jejuni and Other Campylobacters

Nelson A. Cox, L. Jason Richardson, and Michael T. Musgrove

Clostridium botulinum

Michael W. Peck

Clostridium perfringens

Vijay K. Juneja, John S. Novak, and Ronald J. Labbe

Diarrheagenic Escherichia coli

Catherine S. Beauchamp and John N. Sofos

Listeria monocytogenes

Anna C. S. Porto-Fett, Jeffrey E. Call, Peter M. Muriana, Timothy A. Freier, and John B. Luchansky


Stan Bailey, L. Jason Richardson, Nelson A. Cox, and Douglas E. Cosby

Staphylococcal Food Poisoning

Keun Seok Seo and Gregory A. Bohach


Keith A. Lampel

Pathogenic Vibrios in Seafood

Anita C. Wright and Keith R. Schneider

Yersinia enterocolitica and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis

Maria Fredriksson-Ahomaa, Miia Lindström, and Hannu Korkeala

Other Bacterial Pathogens: Aeromonas, Arcobacter, Helicobacter, Mycobacterium, Plesiomonas, and Streptococcus

Elaine M. D’Sa and Mark A. Harrison

Food-Borne Parasites

Dolores E. Hill and J. P. Dubey

Human Pathogenic Viruses in Food

Lee-Ann Jaykus and Blanca Escudero-Abarca

Seafood Toxins

Sherwood Hall

Biogenic Amines in Foods

K. Koutsoumanis, C. Tassou, and G.-J. E. Nychas

Fungal and Mushroom Toxins

Charlene Wolf-Hall

Critical Evaluation of Uncertainties of Gluten Testing: Issues and Solutions for Food Allergen Detection

Carmen Diaz-Amigo and Jupiter M. Yeung

Naturally Occurring Toxins in Plants

Andrea R. Ottesen and Bernadene A. Magnuson

Chemical Residues: Incidence in the United States

Stanley E. Katz and Paula Marie L. Ward

A European Food Safety Perspective on Residues of Veterinary Drugs and Growth-Promoting Agents

Martin Danaher and Deirdre M. Prendergast

Prions and Prion Diseases

Dragan Momcilovic

Interventions for Hazard Control in Foods Preharvest

Jarret D. Stopforth, Balasubrahmanyam Kottapalli, and John N. Sofos

Interventions for Hazard Control in Foods during Harvesting

Mayra Márquez-González, Kerri B. Harris, and Alejandro Castillo

Interventions for Hazard Control during Food Processing

Ifigenia Geornaras and John N. Sofos

Interventions for Hazard Control in Retail-Handled Ready-To-Eat Foods

Alexandra Lianou and John N. Sofos

Interventions for Hazard Control at Food Service

O. Peter Snyder, Jr.

Recent Developments in Rapid Detection Methods

Lawrence D. Goodridge and Mansel W. Griffiths

Molecular Subtyping and Tracking of Food-Borne Bacterial Pathogens

Brandon A. Carlson and Kendra K. Nightingale

Food Safety Management Systems

Virginia N. Scott and Yuhuan Chen

Publish Date: 2009
Format: 8.5" x 11" hardcover
Pages: 512
Publication Weight: 5 lbs

Edited by Vijay K. Juneja and John N. Sofos

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