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"... a valuable reference...useful illustrations and definitions of specific terms...easy to read."
—Lipid Technology


Item No. 27020
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This useful book presents the basics about emulsifiers as well as practical advice about their uses in products from baked goods to dressings and sauces. To make technical topics accessible to a broader audience, Emulsifiers provides easy-to-use tables and illustrations, as well as definitions of key terms. The broad scope encompasses emulsions and foams, molecular organization and structure of food emulsifiers, milk and dairy emulsions, and beverages.

This handbook fills the gap between scientific literature and the product-specific information provided by suppliers by describing emulsifiers in various products and processes, The result is a volume that helps any food practitioner gain a common understanding of emulsifiers, their properties, and their application.

Coverage includes:

  • surface activity—surfactants as amphiphiles, surface and interfacial tension, concentration at the interface, and measuring surface tension
  • formation and stabilization of emulsions
  • microemulsions and conditions for spontaneous emulsion
  • fat and emulsifier crystals
  • mesophases and their significance in food applications
  • regulatory issues in the United States, Canada, and EU
  • anti-staling issues
  • flavor emulsions—oil phase, emulsion stabilizers, and emulsion preparation

Emulsifiers is part of the Ingredient Handbook Series, combining a user-friendly format with expert guidance, handbooks in this series meet the needs of industry. Each title focuses on an ingredient or application, giving information that was previously unavailable in a single source and presenting its subject in straightforward language.

Features such as troubleshooting guides, definitions of key terms, and fast facts make Emulsifiers an essential reference for anyone in the food industry, including quality assurance personnel, purchasing agents, production personnel, teachers, students, suppliers, and technical sales representatives.

Emulsifiers Handbook

Emulsions and Foams

Surface Activity:

surfactants as amphiphiles
surface free energy and interfacial tension
surface excess of emulsifier
measuring surface tension

Formation, Stabilization, and Wetting:

formation of emulsions and foams
emulsion stabilization
foam drainage and film breakage
wetting of solid particles


Molecular Organization

Fat and Emulsifier Crystals:

triglyceride crystals
emulsifier crystals
crystal modifiers


mesophase structures
surfactant phase diagrams

Significance for Food Applications

Food Emulsifiers

Emulsifier Types:

monoglyceride derivatives
sorbitan derivatives
polyhydric emulsifiers
anionic emulsifiers

Hydrophilic/Lipophilic Balance:

basic principle of the concept
experimental determination of HLB


foaming agents
emulsifying agents


Bakery Products

Antistaling Agents:

starch gelatinization
starch retrogradation
bread staling
emulsifier-starch complexation

Dough Strengtheners
Aeration Agents

Dairy and Nondairy Products

Butter and Margarine:


Whipped Cream and Nondairy Whipped Toppings:

whipped cream
nondairy whipped toppings

Ice Cream
Coffee Whiteners

Dressings and Sauces

Polysaccharides at Interfaces:

modified starch
cellulose derivatives

Salad Dressings:

pourable salad dressings
spoonable salad dressings

Reduced-Fat Dressings and Sauces


Flavor Emulsions:

oil phase
emulsion stabilizers
emulsion preparation





“…an up-to-date, clearly written and presented compendium, for broad readership. It is highly recommended for students in their initiation in the area of human nutrition and food processing.”
—Carbohydrate Polymers

“This handbook fills the gap between scientific literature and the product-specific information provided by suppliers…a user-friendly format with expert guidance, Emulsifiers will meet the needs of professionals in many areas of the food industry.”
—Beverage and Food World

“Each chapter has a similar page layout that is easy to read and has lots of great “margin data…the diagrams, graphs, and photos are well laid out and easy to understand…this is a well-produced book that is easy to read and full of useful information beneficial to any food formulator.”

"... a valuable reference...useful illustrations and definitions of specific terms...easy to read."
—Lipid Technology

Publish Date: 2000
Format: 8" x 10" softcover
ISBN: 978-1-891127-02-1
Pages: 102
Publication Weight: 1 lbs

By Clyde Stauffer

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