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Mycotoxins in Grain: Compounds Other than Aflatoxin
Mycotoxins in Grain: Compounds Other than Aflatoxin

"…strongly recommend that anyone seriously involved in fungal problems associated with foods and feeds or mycotoxicology buy this book."
—Trends in Food Science and Technology

Item No. 40752
While mycotoxin research is focusing more and more on agriculturally important mycotoxins other than aflatoxin, few references have covered these myctoxins in detail. This book fills that void by providing a through presentation of the chemistry and biology of these mycotoxins and their impact on food safety, animal health, and productivity.

Mycotoxins in Grain: Compounds Other than Aflatoxin



The Biosynthetic Diversity of Secondary Metabolites

John W. ApSimon

Epidemiology of Fusarium Ear Diseases of Cereals

J. David Miller

Breeding for Resistance to Fusarium in Wheat and Maize

C.H.A. Snijders

Spectral Characteristics of Secondary Metabolites from Fusarium Fungi

M.E. Savard and B.A. Blackwell



Penicillium and Aspergillus Toxins

P.M. Scott

Ecological Aspects of Growth and Mycotoxin Production by Storage Fungi

K.H. Ominski, R.R. Marquardt, R.N. Sinha, and D. Abramson



Alternaria Toxins

A. Visconti and A. Sibilia



Immunotoxic Effects of Mycotoxins

James J. Pestka and Genevieve S. Bondy

Toxicology of Mycotoxins

D.B. Prelusky, B.A. Rotter, and R.G. Rotter

Residues in Food Products of Animal Origin

D.B. Prelusky

Decontamination of Fusarium Mycotoxins

L.L. Charmley and D.B. Prelusky



Prevention of Human Mycotoxicoses Through Risk Assessment and Risk Management

T. Kuiper-Goodman

Factors Responsible for Economic Losses due to Fusarium Mycotoxin Contamination of Grains, Foods, and Feedstuffs

L.L. Charmley, A. Rosenberg, and H.L. Trenholm

Diseases in Humans with Mycotoxins as Possible Causes

J.M. Beardall and J.D. Miller


"…strongly recommend that anyone seriously involved in fungal problems associated with foods and feeds or mycotoxicology buy this book."
—Trends in Food Science and Technology

"...a wealth of information that will be of interest to any who are concerned with mycotoxins...this is a well presented, detailed and interesting book...."
—Elsevier Science LTD.

"...strongly recommend that anyone seriously involved in fungal problems associated with foods and feeds or in mycotoxicology buy this book."
—Trends in Food Science & Technology

"...this is a very useful book, authoritative and informative in the areas covered...the book is recommended to those who are interested in cereal production and utilization, as an essential step forward in our understanding of the large role of cereals in the exposure of humans and animals to mycotoxins."
—New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science

"...of critical importance to food chemists, microbiologists, toxicologists, food technologists and sanitation specialists."
—Extrusion Communique

"Each chapter closes with an extensive list of literature cited, and an excellent index complements the text. This volume is full of clear and concise information on the important mycotoxins other than aflatoxin and would be useful to toxicologists, physicians, researchers and others others interested in the effects of this group of mycotoxins."
—Veterinary and Human Toxicology

Publish Date: 1994
Format: 6"x 9" hardcover
ISBN: 978-0-9624407-5-5
Pages: 552
Publication Weight: 3 lbs

Edited by David Miller and H. Locksley Trenholm

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