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Fiber Ingredients: Food Applications and Health Benefits
Fiber Ingredients: Food Applications and Health Benefits

Provides information on available fiber sources to help the food industry develop food products with improved health benefits.

Item No. 43846

Fiber is recognized as a shortfall nutrient in many developed countries and more than 90 percent of the American population does not get enough. It challenges food product developers to formulate attractive high fiber foods and health professionals to recommend these high fiber foods to improve diet and therefore improve overall public health. Fiber Ingredients: Food Applications and Health Benefits provides information on available fiber sources to help the food industry develop food products with improved health benefits. This book covers conventional fiber ingredients as well as new sources of fiber, such as bamboo, cottonseed, and fibers from fruits and vegetables, and reviews patent activities. Contents include: Soluble Fiber Sources; Resistant Starches; Conventional Fiber; Recent Scientific Advances.


  • Provides a rigorous examination of health claims and potential health claims, recent research, and contradictory data
  • Includes coverage of fiber for weight and glycemic control as well as digestive health
  • Discusses how food producers can find fiber sources and include fiber in their products
  • Describes sources of soluble fiber, resistant starches, and conventional fibers
  • Explores dietary fibers, their diverse components, and their physicochemical characteristics

With so many new fiber ingredients now available, the time is ripe for a resource explaining their characteristics, functionality, and health benefits. Critically examining current research and future directions, this resource blends coverage of the latest scientific information on the health benefits of fiber with information on how to formulate foods with high concentrations of this vital nutrient.

Fiber Ingredients: Food Applications and Health Benefits

About the Editors

Functional and Dietary Fibers: An Introduction

Section 1

Soluble Fibers

NUTRIOSE Soluble Fiber
Fibersol-2 Resistant Maltodextrin: Functional Dietary Fiber Ingredient
Partially Hydrolyzed Guar Gum Dietary Fiber
Acaci Gum

Section 2

Resistant Starch

Resistant Starch (RS)

Section 3

Conventional Fibers

Oat Fiber from Oat Hull
Oat ß-Glucan
Rice Bran: Production, Composition, Functionality and Food Application, Physiological Benefits
Barley Fiber
Sugar Beet Fiber: Production, Characteristics, Food Applications, and Physiological Benefit

Section 4

New Development

Fruit Fiber
Aleurone Flour: A Novel Wheat Ingredient Rich in Fermentable Fiber, Micronutrients, and Bioavailable Folate

Appendix: Suppliers of Dietary Fiber Ingredients
Publish Date: 2009
Format: 6.5" x 10.5" hardcover
Pages: 480
Publication Weight: 3 lbs

Edited by Susan Sungsoo Cho and Priscilla Samuel

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