Dietary fibre is of interest to both science and industry, and yet despite growing awareness of its benefits to health and nutrition, intakes remain below the recommended level. Industry has responded by developing new applications, products and processes to help consumers increase their fibre intake in a convenient way. While regulations on health claims are being developed for example in the EU, some countries have allowed the use of health claims to help promote consumer awareness of the benefits of a higher fibre intake, and to inform consumers of good sources of fibre. At the same time science is developing the concept of dietary fibre. The mechanisms and actual components behind the physiological effects are of particular interest, and so are the analytical tools to measure these. The fate of dietary fibre in the gut, where certain fibre components are fermented and converted by microbes gains a great deal of attention. The role of molecular weight and viscosity of dietary fibre components in determining the health benefits are also discussed.
This book is essential reading for all researchers and those who concern themselves with bioprocesses and food technology. Dietary fibre components and functions covers the most up-to-date research available on dietary fibre and will be an indispensable tool for all scientists involved in research and development in this field.
Dietary Fibre: Components and Functions
Dietary fibre or whole grains or both?
J.M. Jones
Chemical structure and function of cell walls through cereal grains and vegetable samples
F. Guillon, L. Saulnier, P. Robert, J-F Thibault and M. Champ
The role of ß-glucan in barley
G.D. Coles, S.J. Roberts, R.C. Butler, M.K. Morrell and J.S. Rowarth
Factors affecting bioactivity of cereal ß glucans
S.M. Tosh
Physical state of soluble oat fibre and health claims
H. Salovaara, T. Sontag-Strohm and H. Anttila
Rheology and physiology of soluble fibres: what are the relationships and what use can be made of them?
P.J. Wood
The fate of ß-glucan during bread-making
A.A.M. Andersson, R. Andersson and P. Åman
Size exclusion liquid chromatographic determination of modified non-starch polysaccharide as dietary fibre
Robert Harfmann, Balasaheb Deshmukh,Maciej Turowski, Jerry Conklin and Stephanie Lynch
Metabolic conversions of dietary carbohydrates by gut microbes
K. Venema, A.A. de Graaf and N.E.P. Deutz
In vitro fermentation of fibre fractions from barley using human infant faeces as inoculum
S.Sahlström, S.H. Knutsen, A.K. Holtekjølen, K.Rudi and I.M. Aasen
Butyrylated resistant starches and the influence of cooking on amylolysis in vitro and short chain fatty acids in vivo
B.H. Bajka, D.L. Topping, L. Cobiac and J.M. Clarke
Molecular weight of guar gum affects short-chain fatty acid profile in vitro
M. Stewart and J. Slavin
Lignans and other co-passengers
H. Adlercreutz, J. Penalvo, S.-M. Heinonen and A. Linko-Parvinen
Rye and other natural cereal fibres enhance the production and plasma concentrations of enterolactone and butyrate
K.E. Bach Knudsen, A. Serena, H. Jørgensen, J.L. Peñalvo and H. Adlercreutz
Interrelationships between carbohydrate type, phenolic acids and initial pH on in vitro conversion of enterolactone from rye lignans
A.-M. Aura, O. Myllymäki, M. Bailey, J.-L. Penalvo, H. Adlercreutz and K. Poutanen
Inulin and oligofructose: their effects on mineral absorption and bone health - a review on recent studies
W. Caers
Inulin for product development of low GI products to support weight management
D. Meyer
Acacia gum, the natural multifunctional fibre
G. Frémont
Fermentation of bran as a tool to improve quality of high fibre wheat bread
K. Katina, K. Autio, K-H. Liukkonen and K. Poutanen
A dietary portfolio containing viscous fibre in the control of serum cholesterol
C.W.C. Kendall, A.R. Josse, T.H. Nguyen, H. Jiang, S. Abdulnour, J.M.W. Wong and D.J.A. Jenkins
The effects of resistant maltodextrin on blood glucose, insulin and triacylglyceride levels, and fat accumulation after meal feeding in humans
D.T. Gordon
Summary of dietary fibre methods workshop June 11, 2006, Helsinki, Finland
D.T. Gordon, B.V. McCleary and T. Sontag-Strohm
IndexPublish Date: 2008
Format: 7" × 10" hardcover
Pages: 346
Publication Weight: 3 lbs
Edited by Hannu Salovaara, Fred Gates, and Maija Tenkanen