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Functional Foods: Concept to Product, Second Edition
Functional Foods: Concept to Product, Second Edition

Contains over ten additional chapters on significant topics including omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, consumers and health claims and functional foods for obesity prevention.

Item No. 96900

There has been a remarkable amount of research into health-promoting foods in recent years and the market for these types of products has developed at a rapid pace. Thoroughly revised and updated, this major edition contains over ten additional chapters on significant topics including omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, consumers and health claims and functional foods for obesity prevention.

Part one provides an overview of key general issues including definitions of functional foods and legislation in the EU, the US and Asia. Part two focuses on functional foods and health investigating conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, obesity and infectious diseases as well as and the impact of functional foods on cognition and bone health. Part three looks at the development of functional food products. Topics covered include maximizing the functional benefits of plant foods, dietary fibre, functional dairy and soy products, probiotics and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs).

With its distinguished editors and international team of expert contributors, Functional foods: Concept to Product is a valuable reference tool for health professionals and scientists in the functional foods industry and to students and researchers interested in functional foods.

  • Provides an overview of key general issues including definitions of functional foods and legislation in the EU, the US and Asia
  • Focuses on functional foods and health investigating conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, obesity and infectious diseases
  • Examines the development of functional food products featuring maximizing the functional benefits of plant foods, dietary fibre, functional dairy and soy products

Functional Foods: Concept to Product, Second Edition



Defining functional foods and associated claims

M Roberfroid, Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium

Functional foods: defining the concept
Functional food science
Communicating functional claims
Case studies
Conclusions and future trends

EU legislation and functional foods: A case study

P Berry Ottaway and Sam Jennings, Berry Ottaway & Associates Ltd, UK

Product description
Product positioning in the European market
Product composition
Appendix: note

US regulation of functional foods

J E Hoadley, EAS Consulting Group, USA

Food label health claims
Food label structure/function claims
Food label nutrient content claims
Medical food and food for special dietary use
Ingredient safety
Sources of further information and advice
Appendix: definitions

Australian and New Zealand regulations on nutrition, health and related claims made on foods

D Ghosh, Nutriconnect, Sydney, Australia

Functional foods: current trends and market
Australian and New Zealand legislation and functional foods
Scientific substantiation of health claims
Australia and New Zealand regulatory framework in the light of global harmonization
Implications for the development and manufacture of functional foods
Future trends
Sources of further information and advice

Legislation of functional foods in Asia

J Zawistowski, University of British Columbia, Canada

Introduction: historical background
Regulatory challenges for marketing of functional foods
Definition and categories of functional foods in various Asian countries
Food and drug interface: regulatory framework for functional foods
Nutrition and health claims
Labeling of functional foods
Health claims and consumer confidence
Future trends: harmonization of law and regulations of functional foods
Sources of further information and governmental websites

Consumers and health claims for functional foods

L Lähteenmäki, Aarhus University, Denmark

Consumer perceptions of health claims
Consumer acceptability of health claims
Implications for dairy product development
Future trends
Sources of further information and advice



Functional foods and acute gastrointestinal infections

H Szajewska, The Medical University of Warsaw, Poland

How the intervention might work
How to assess the effectiveness of probiotics and/or prebiotics
What is the aim of this chapter?
Conclusions and future trends
Sources of further information and advice

Functional foods and coronary heart disease (CHD)

Julie A Lovegrove and K G Jackson, University of Reading, UK

Coronary heart disease and risk factors
Relevant lipid particles
Diet and coronary heart disease: the evidence
The effects of probiotics including fermented milk products and lactic acid bacteria on coronary heart disease
The effects of prebiotics and coronary heart disease
The effects of synbiotics including combinations of lactic acid bacteria and prebiotic fibres on coronary heart disease
Future trends
Sources of further information and advice

Anti-tumour properties of functional foods

I T Johnson, Institute of Food Research, UK

Carcinogenesis and the biology of cancer
Protective effects of nutrients
Protective effects of phytochemicals
Carbohydrates and their fermentation products
Conclusion: the role of functional foods and future trends
Sources of further information and advice

Functional foods and obesity

S B Myrie and P J H Jones, University of Manitoba, Canada

Functional foods contribution to weight management
Formulating food products for weight control
Future trends
Sources of further information and advice

Functional foods and prevention of diabetes

J Lindström, National Institute for Health and Welfare and S M Virtanen, National Institute for Health and Welfare, and Tampere School of Public Health, Finland

Food and diet as contributing factors to the rise in diabetes
Effects of different food components on insulin secretion, insulin resistance and development of diabetes
Formulating food products for diabetes prevention
Future trends

Functional foods and cognition

A Scholey, D Camfield, L Owen and A Pipingas, Swinburne University, Australia

Modulators of cognitive functions
Selection of appropriate cognitive outcome measures
Nutraceuticals and cognitive function
Effects of ageing on cognition and brain biology
Effects of glucose and carbohydrates
Nutraceuticals for cognitive enhancement
Sources of further information and advice References

Functional foods and bone health

S J Whitingand H.Vatanparast, University of Saskatchewan, Canada

Overview of bone growth and maintenance
How key nutrients and dietary factors impact bone health
Dietary sources of nutrients and dietary factors related to bone health, and safety considerations
Case studies of functional foods designed to improve intake of bone health factors
Future trends
Issues related to product targeting and consumer acceptance of bone-healthy functional foods References



Maximising the functional benefits of plant foods

D G Lindsay, Euroscience Perspectives, Spain

The concept of functionality
The situation in the developing world
The priorities for nutritional enhancement
Strategies for nutritional enhancement
Improvements in handling, storage and food processing technologies
Future trends
Sources of further information and advice

Developing functional ingredients: a case study of pea protein

A-S Sandberg, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden

Introduction: the nutritional properties of peas
Improving pea protein
Processing issues in improving pea protein
Adding improved protein to food products
Evaluating the nutritional, functional and sensory properties of improved pea protein in food products
New technologies for improved nutritional and functional value of pea protein (NUTRIPEA)
Future trends
Sources of further information and advice: past and present EU projects, networks and special reports in the field

Functional fats and spreads

A Turpeinen and P Merimaa, Valio Ltd, Finland

EU legislation on fats and spreads
Functional ingredients and chronic diseases: applications in fats and spreads
Methods for modifying fats and oils
Future trends
Sources of further information and advice

Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) as food ingredients

C Jacobsen, National Food Institute, Denmark

Health aspects of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs)
Sources of omega-3 PUFAs
The problems associated with using omega-3 PUFAs in foods
Factors affecting lipid oxidation in omega-3 PUFA enriched foods
The effect of antioxidant addition
Future trends
Sources of further information and advice

Probiotic functional foods

M H Saarela, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Finland

Introduction to probiotics and their health effects
Probiotic food market in Europe and US
Probiotic technology and challenges in the probiotic formulation into foods
Probiotic food categories
Future trends
Sources of further information and advice

Functional foods for the gut: probiotics, prebiotics and synbiotics

A Drakoularou, R Rastall and G Gibson, The University of Reading, UK

The composition of gastrointestinal (GI) microbiota
Prebiotics and synbiotics

Bioactive milk proteins, peptides and lipids and other functional components derived from milk and bovine colostrum

H J Korhonen, MTT Agrifood Research Finland, Finland

Bioactive proteins
Bioactive peptides
Bioactive lipids
Other bioactive components
Future trends

Functional meat products

K Arihara and M Ohata, Kitasato University, Japan

Meat consumption and human health
Meat-based bioactive compounds
Development of functional meat products
Future trends of functional meat products
Sources of further information and advice

Functional soy products

C W Xiao, Health Canada, Canada and University of Ottawa, Canada

Major compositions of soybeans
Soy consumption in different populations
Functional soy foods
Safety aspects of soy
Future trends
Sources of further information and advice

Functional seafood products

M Careche, I Sánchez-Alonso and J Borderías, Institute of Science and Food Technology and Nutrition (ICTAN), Spain, E K Lund, Institute of Science and Food Technology and Nutrition (ICTAN), Spain and Institute of Food Research (IFR), UK

Health aspects of seafood
Potential for development of functional seafood products
Development of functional seafood products with dietary fibres

Dietary fibre functional products

F Guillon, M Champ, J F Thibault and L Saulnier, INRA Research Centre Nantes, France

Defining dietary fibre
Sources of dietary fibre
Processing dietary fibre ingredients
Processing foods containing dietary fibre
The physiological effects of dietary fibre
Recommended intakes of dietary fibre
Conclusions and future trends
Publish Date: 2011
Format: 6" x 9" hardcover
Pages: 672
Publication Weight: 5 lbs

Edited by Maria Saarela

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