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Soybeans: As Functional Foods and Ingredients
Soybeans: As Functional Foods and Ingredients

Written for food product developers, food technologists, nutritionists, academic professionals, college graduates, and anyone who is interested in learning about soybeans, soyfoods, soy protein ingredients, and soy nutraceuticals.

Item No. 97332
Historically soybeans have been primarily identified with their high protein and oil content. Yet, for the past 20 years there has been much interest among medical researchers in elucidating the health benefits of direct human consumption of soybeans as food. This book provides information on soybean chemistry, health benefits, research, and product development.

Readers can find answers to key questions such as: What are the nutrients and phytochemicals in soybeans? How can soybeans be utilized as food and as food ingredients so that general populations can reap the health benefits of soy? How can processing and breeding technology help expand soybean food and utilization?

Soybeans as Functional Foods and Ingredients is written to serve as a reference for food product developers, food technologists, nutritionists, plant breeders, academic and government professionals, college graduates, and anyone who is interested in learning more about soybeans, soyfoods, soy protein ingredients, and soy nutraceuticals.

Soybeans: As Functional Foods and Ingredients

Chapter 1

Soybeans as a Powerhouse of Nutrients and Phytochemicals

Chapter 2

Edible Soybean Products in the Current Market

Chapter 3

Soy Isoflavones

Processing Effects
Health Benefits
Commercial Production

Chapter 4

Soybean Saponins

Potential Health Effects

Chapter 5

Soy Flour


Chapter 6

Soy Protein Concentrate


Chapter 7

Isolated Soy Protein


Chapter 8

Barriers to Soy Protein Applications in Food Products

Chapter 9

Value-Added Products from Extruding-Expelling of Soybeans

Chapter 10

Soy Molasses

Processing and Utilization as a Functional Food

Chapter 11

Vegetable Soybeans as a Functional Food

Chapter 12

Tempeh as a Functional Food

Chapter 13

Soy Sauce as Natural Seasoning

Chapter 14

Breeding Specialty Soybeans for Traditional and New Soyfoods

Publish Date: 2004
Format: 6.5" x 9.5" hardcover
Pages: 332
Publication Weight: 3 lbs

Edited by KeShun Liu

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