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Soybean: Chemistry, Production, Processing, & Utilization
Soybean: Chemistry, Production, Processing, & Utilization

This comprehensive soybean reference disseminates key soybean information to “drive success for soybeans” via 21 concise chapters.

Item No. 97646
This comprehensive soybean reference disseminates key soybean information to “drive success for soybeans” in 21 concise chapters. The text covers all aspects of soybeans, including genetics, breeding, quality, post-harvest management, marketing, utilization (food and energy applications), U.S. domestic practices versus foreign practices, and production methods.

Soybeans: Chemistry, Production, Processing, and Utilization

The History of Soybeans

Breeding, Genetics, and Production of Soybeans

Harvesting, Storing, and Post-harvest Management of Soybeans

Effect of Pests and Diseases on Soybean Quality

Economics of Soybean Production, Marketing, and Utilization

Measurement and Maintenance of Soybean Quality


Soybean Proteins

Soybean Carbohydrates

Minor Constituents and Phytochemicals of Soybeans

Oil Recovery from Soybeans

Soybean Oil Purification

Soybean Oil Modification

Food Uses of Whole Soybeans

Food Uses for Soybean Oil and Alternatives to Trans Fatty Acids in Foods

Bioenergy and Biofuels from Soybeans

Biobased Products from Soybeans

Nutritional Properties and Feeding Values of Soybeans and their Coproducts

Soy Protein Products, Processing, and Utilization

Human Nutrition Value of Soybean Oil and Soy Protein

Soybean Production and Processing in Brazil

Publish Date: 2010
Format: 6.5" x 9.5" hardcover
Pages: 850
Publication Weight: 8 lbs

Edited by Lawrence A. Johnson, Pamela J. White, and Richard Galloway

Soybeans: Chemistry, Production, Processing, and Utilization

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