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2015 AACCI Centennial Meeting Presentations
2015 AACCI Centennial Meeting Presentations

Purchase the 2015 AACCI Annual Meeting Presentations (held in Minneapolis, MN, October 18-21, 2015)

Item No. MTG2015

Member Price (sign in or join to save): $ 0.00
Members save: 100.0%
Couldn't attend the meeting in Minneapolis, Minnesota?* Purchase a "pass" to view the recorded meeting presentations on-demand. To view the complete list of presentations, including the submitted abstract, please visit the 2015 AACCI Centennial Meeting Presentations page.

Not a Cereals & Grains member? Join AACCI first, then you receive the 2015 recordings at no charge.

*Please note: members who attended the annual meeting have access to the recorded presentations at no additional charge; non-member attendees can access the recordings for one year following the meeting.

2015 AACCI Centennial Meeting Presentations

To view the complete list of presentations, including the submitted abstract, please visit the 2015 AACCI Centennial Meeting Presentations page.

Publish Date: 2015

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